Practical Lessons in Humility

July 11, 2011

Back in 1987, a colleague and I were using the large computer systems of the University of Leicester to run rather a lot of number crunching. Leicester had a large, well connected and well managed VAX Cluster which was ideal as a platform to collect password files and analyse them for erm… Statistics. It’s probably […]


Thank you Jeanette

August 22, 2010

Just as an amused aside for a Saturday afternoon – Back in 1998 I was building what was then Cellnet’s Genie System, it is now O2 but you can’t blame me for any of that, Genie was actually very good for its time. I was bored one day and since Cellnet didn’t have anyone in […]


Learning from History

April 14, 2010

I first left the Commercial Security industry back in 1999 when I decided to create After I moved on from there, I ended up being interviewed for a directorship of a company making Intrusion Detection Systems. They asked me a question which surprised me – It shouldn’t have but it did – “You haven’t […]